When school’s out, Medford Recreation has you covered with our awesome full-day program, SAGA! Join us for a day packed with fun activities and games. You can dive into arts and crafts, challenge your friends to a board game or cards, get creative with building blocks and Legos or participate in gym games and sports. Plus, we will go over to LoConte Rink for ice skating around 12:45pm.
Please send your child to the program with a non-refrigerated, water bottle, two snacks (9:30am & 2:30pm), and nut free lunch (12pm)
Please fill out and return the Emergency Awareness Form to Danielle Delbene (ddelbene@medford-ma.gov) after registration for S.A.G.A..
(Click here) to fill out Emergency Awareness Form
If you need any accommodation for a child, please fill out our Inclusion request form, located at the bottom of our website and submit to Krista Deveau (kdeveau@medford-ma.gov).