Medford Recreation
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Spectrum Skillz with Xtreme Ninja Studio

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Medford Recreation is partnering up with Xtreme Ninja in Medford Square for this Spectrum Skillz class. 

Introducing the Spectrum SKILLZ Program! 
This program was designed to target children on the spectrum for ages 7 and up. The program introduces specialized skill-based training for children who have limited physical, intellectual, social, and emotional abilities. With that said, more emphasis is placed on building fundamental skills training with a strategic balance of Martial Arts. 
8 skills that make up the Spectrum SKILLZ Program: 
  1. Awareness 
  2. Detailing 
  3. Observing 
  4. Listening 
  5. Communication 
  6. Retention 
  7. Durability 
  8. Determination 

In addition to the registration fee, students will need to purchase a karate uniform ($60) on the first day of class at Extreme Ninja. 

This program will take place at the Xtreme Ninja studio, located at 43 Riverside Ave, in Medford Square. To view other class offerings, please visit their website at


* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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